
CLASS – CiaoLapo Stillbirth Support Checklist


A – Respect
Aa – Baby
☐ A1 Name the baby
☐ A2 Touch, bath and dress the baby
☐ A3 Take pictures
☐ A4 Put the baby in a cot in the same room of the parents
Ab – Parents
☐ A5 Use a recognisable symbol for the staff, to denote bereavement
☐ A6 Acknowledge cultural, religious and spiritual needs of parents
☐ A7 Make repeated offers for holding the baby
☐ A8 Provide privacy (but not abandoning)
☐ A9 Allow women to spend time with their partner (or person of choice) before and after birth
B -Information and Communication
Ba – Timing
☐ B1 Discuss issues at most appropriate time
☐ B2 Choose a quiet and private environment
☐ B3 If the mother is unaccompanied, offer to contact the partner or a friend
Bb – Delivery of information
☐ B4 Be clear, honest, and sensitive
☐ B5 Repeat important information
☐ B6 Assure parents that it is normal to feel uncomfortable
☐ B7 Do not avoid questions
Bc – Mode of information
☐ B8 Give written information
☐ B9 Be comfortable showing emotions
☐ B10 Answer questions honestly
☐ B11 Listen to parents
☐ B12 Do not argue with parents
Bd – Terminology
☐ B13 Use parent-friendly language (simple and straightforward)
☐ B14 Use sensitive terms (avoid dehumanising terms as ‘fetus’, ‘product of conception’ etc)
☐ B15 Do not use medical jargon
Be – Burial and funeral services
☐ B16 Inform parents on laws and regulations
☐ B17 Provide parents help with funeral arrangements
Bf – Post-mortem examination
☐ B18 Give verbal and written information on autopsy/histology
☐ B19 Allow time for discussion issues regarding autopsy/histology
C – Birth options
Ca  -Timing
☐ C1 Inform in advance parents of factors relating to birth (when, how, etc)
☐ C2 Allow parents time to make appropriate decisions regarding birth
Cb – Mode of birth
☐ C3 Offer parents choices in birthing options (when available)
☐ C4 Offer parents the option of returning home (if possible)
☐ C5 Always offer obstetric analgesia
☐ C6 Avoid using sedation
D – Hospital stay
Da – Environment
☐ D1 Offer parents the choice of the less distressing ward (possibly provide a private room)
☐ D2 Always allow to spend time with the baby
Db – After-birth care
☐ D3 Do not urge parents to leave the hospital
☐ D4 Offer continuity of care
E – Creating memories
Ea – Spending time with baby
☐ E1 Clearly explain parents the length of time they are allowed to spend with their baby
☐ E2 Let the parents all the time they need to stay with the baby
☐ E3 Always offer parents to see and hold the baby, but do not force them; discuss what is the best option for them
☐ E4 Respect their wishes regarding seeing and holding the baby
☐ E5 Prepare parents for the appearance of the baby
Eb – Parenting
☐ E6 Allow parents to bath and dress their baby
☐ E7 Allow siblings to spend time with the baby
Ec – Mementos
☐ E8 Take pictures of the baby and keep them in the hospital
☐ E9 Provide parents with mementos (lock of hair, hand and footprints, ID bracelet, cot card, pictures)
F – Aftercare
Fa – Spiritual / religious needs
☐ F1 Allow parents to bless, baptize or perform any other religious ceremony for their baby
Fb – Maternal changes
☐ F2 Inform mothers on milk production
☐ F3 Offer a consultation with a lactation consultant
☐ F4 Inform mothers on bleeding
☐ F5 Inform mothers on psychological consequences of perinatal loss
☐ F6 Provide a follow-up at 6 weeks post birth. Give name and number of the case manager
Fc – Support services
☐ F7 Provide early psychological support
☐ F8 Provide written information on support services (include fathers)
Fd -Follow-up
☐ F9 Provide name and number of the case manager
☐ F10 Provide an appointment with a senior obstetrician within 2 months
☐ F11 Where possible, use rooms away from the hospital
☐ F12 Give and explain results of post-mortem examinations
☐ F13 Discuss implication for future pregnancies